08.45-09.45 |
Atelier registration (Maison Internationale)
& Welcome coffee (Maison du Cambodge)
09.45-09.55 |
Pierre Ferrier (Marseille) and Lars Rogge (Paris)
09.55-10.45 |
Ellen Rothenberg (California Institute of Technology, USA): Transcriptional and epigenetic thresholds for entry to the T-cell developmental program
10.45-11.35 |
Keji Zhao (National Institutes of Health, USA): Expression and regulation of lincRNAs during T cell development and differentiation
11.35-11.55 |
Jörg Tost (Centre National de Génotypage, France): DNA methylation patterns as biomarkers of environmental exposure and autoimmune diseases |
11.55-13.30 |
Maison Internationale Lunch (Restaurant Universitaire)
13.30-14.20 |
Cornelis Murre (UCSD, USA): Long-range genomic interactions that orchestrate lymphocyte cell fate
14.20-15.10 |
Harinder Singh (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, USA): Controlling transcription and recombination of immunoglobulin loci by nuclear compartmentalization of chromatin domains?
15.10-16.00 |
Grégoire Altan-Bonnet (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA): Leveraging cell-to-cell variability to dissect the plasticity of immune responses
14.00-16.45 |
Meeting registration - Welcome coffee
16.45-17.00 |
Salon AdenauerWelcome Introduction
17.00-18.00 |
Salon AdenauerUniversité Paris Descartes Pierre Grabar Keynote Lecture
Introduction by Matthew Albert
Herbert Virgin IV, MD, PhD (Washington University, St. Louis, USA): The virome and disease susceptibility: more than one way to be a pathogen (or a friend)
18.00-19.00 |
Salon AdenauerLFB Presentation Prix Jacques Oudin Presentation Prix Jean Dausset
19.00 |
Salon HonnoratWelcome Reception