Jeudi 23 janvier
Modératrice : Corinne KEICHINGER
Communications orales
Dispersion and evolutionary history of rice yellow mottle virus in Africa: tales of rice and men
C-39 - Cica URBINO
Role of a short non coding viral sequence in bypassing crossprotection in tomato infecting begomoviruses
C-40 - Véronique BRAULT
Insights into mature plant resistance in sugar beet and inhibition of virus transmission by aphids
C-41 - Judith HIRSCH
Uncovering the genetic basis of quantitative resistance to cucumber mosaic virus in Capsicum annuum using genome-wide association coupled with high-throughput image analysis
Pause café - Posters
Modérateur : Stefano COLELLA
Communications orales
C-42 - Emeline TEYSSIER
Plasma membrane-localized lipids are involved in plant response during infection by Potexviruses
C-43 - Khalid AMARI
Exogenous application of dsRNA to control plant pathogens and pests: it works! Now what?
- Benoît MOURY
Effect of mutations in intrinsically-disordered or ordered regions of potato virus Y (PVY ; genus Potyvirus ; family Potyviridae) VPg on virus fitness and adaptability
C-45 - Thierry CANDRESSE
À la recherche des réservoirs des virus responsables des jaunisses de la betterave
Remise des Prix & Bilan du Colloque
Par le Comité d’Organisation