Mercredi 22 janvier
Modératrice : Sylvie GERMAN-RETANA
Keynote 5
Communications orales
C-25 - Marguerite BATSALE
Viral manipulation of lipid droplets: insights from turnip mosaic virus infection in plants
C-26 - Thomas ARMAND
Characterization of host quality of non-crop Poaceae species for wheat dwarf virus and Psammotettix alienus
C-27 - Valentin GUYOT
Transcriptome and small RNAome profiling reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying plant-nanovirus-aphid vector interactions
C-28 - Dalia DJABOUB
OptiCQua: Optimizing the performance of sanitary diagnosis of Vitis spp. submitted to certification and quarantine schemes
Pause café - Posters
Modérateur : Yannis MICHALAKIS
Keynote 6
K-06 - Israël PAGAN - Universidad politecnica de Madrid, Centro de biotecnologia y genomica de plantas, Madrid, Espagne
Plant-virus co-evolution during adaptation to the transmission mode
Communications orales
C-29 - Julien HENNEQUART
Genetic architecture of Tobacco mosaic virus tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana
Does multiple infection of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) and watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) cause a more severe disease in melon?
C-31 - Auguste RAJOT
Making use of an axillary component from the multipartite nanovirus for virus-induced silencing of insect vector genes
C-32 - Wassim RHALLOUSSI
Datamining public databases in search of grapevine viruses
Après-midi libre
Modératrice : Anne SICARD
Communications orales
C-33 - Estel Pakyendou NAME
Unexpected virus reservoirs in vegetatively propagated plants: A case study of sweetpotato
C-34 - Anita KALTAK
MED18: a bridge for cauliflower mosaic virus mRNAs export
C-35 - Maximilian SCHUGHART
Identifying the impact of insecticide resistant grain aphids (Sitobion avenae) on barley yellow dwarf virus epidemiology in Ireland
C-36 - Heemee Devi BUNWAREE
Development of polerovirus-induced gene silencing for rapid and visual screening in sugar beets
C-37 - Pierre HELLIN
Discovery and biological characterization of a novel emaravirus infecting blackberry in Belgium