Mardi 21 janvier
Modérateur : Thierry CANDRESSE
Keynote 3
K-03 - Marco FORGIA - CNR, IPSP, Turin, Italie
Unveiling the molecular mechanisms and the biological effects associated with infectious agents with viroid-like properties (ribozycirculome) in fungi
Communications orales
C-12 - François MACLOT
Deciphering the complex ecology of plant and mycoviruses in wild grasses by analyzing the virome associated with individual plants
C-13 - Laura DI PIETRO
Mapping cell-type specific localization of plant viruses and effectors in aphid salivary glands with advanced FISH techniques
C-14 - Gaël THÉBAUD
Canine detection of plant viruses: a proof-of-concept with the plum pox virus
C-15 - Lavena Van CRANENBROECK
Exploring a new territory for grapevine viruses: first outputs from winemaker interviews and virome survey in Belgium
Pause café - Posters
Modérateur : Quentin CHESNAIS
Keynote 4
K-04 - Pauline EZANNO - INRAE, ONIRIS, VetAgroBio, Nantes, France
Multiscale modelling of arthropod-borne virus transmission dynamics
Communications orales
C-16 - Loup RIMBAUD
The spicy dissemination of cucumber mosaic virus in Espelette
C-17 - Fani GOUSI
A virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) approach to study plant-geminivirus-insect vector interactions and virus transmission
C-18 - Damien Richard
Genomic insights into the global emergence of the phytopathogenic Maize yellow mosaic virus
C-19 - Nikolay SIMANKOV
Integrative Proteomics for Predicting Biological Properties of Emerging Plant Viruses: A Genomics-Driven Machine Learning Framework
Après-midi libre
Modérateur : Loup RIMBAUD
Communications orales
C-20 - Pierre MUSTIN
Get to know each other: Considering the genetic diversity of grapevine fanleaf virus at a local scale prior to a cross-protection trial in the field
C-21 - Emma-Louise JAFFRÉ
Phenotypic characterization of the resistance observed in Oryza glaberrima accession against RSNV
Tissue-Specific Variations in the Frequency Distribution of a Multipartite Virus Genomic Components
C-23 - Elise LEPAGE
Cucumber mosaic virus degrades pepper fruit production, marketability and organoleptic quality, with isolate-specific effects
C-24 - Souheyla KHECHMAR
Synergistic interactions between the beet mosaic potyvirus and the beet yellows closterovirus decrease transmission of the closterovirus