Tuesday 31 May
Joffre A+B room (Level 1)Welcome introduction

Inge Harrewijn and Odile Pidoux (Montpellier - France)
Plenary session
Joffre A+B room (Level 1)A brief history of SIDS/SUDI classification

Moderation: Monique L’Hoir (Wageningen - Netherlands) and Torleiv Ole Rognum (Oslo - Norway)
- How should we categorise and subdivide unexpected deaths of infants and children?
Peter Fleming (Bristol - UK)
Pathology – The Elephant in the Room
Roger W. Byard (Adelaïde - Australia)
- The Radcliffe classification and the ICD-11
Richard D. Goldstein (Boston - USA)
- Classifications of sleep-related sudden unexpected death in infancy
Joanna Garstang (Birmingham - UK)
Round table discussion
Joffre Hall (Level 1)Coffee break - Visit of exhibition & Posters
Plenary session
Joffre A+B room (Level 1)The experience with classification of SIDS/SUDI cases in Europe

Moderation: Richard D. Goldstein (Boston - USA) and Torleiv Ole Rognum (Oslo - Norway)
- Presentations on the experience of different countries
- Silvia Noce (Italy)
- Monique L’Hoir (Netherlands)
- Pete Blair (UK)
- Béatrice Kugener and Odile Pidoux (France)
- Ursula Kiechl-Kohlendorfer (Austria)
Round table discussion
- Feasability of harmonisation of European SIDS classification
Joffre Hall (Level 1)Lunch - Visit of exhibition & Posters
Parallel sessions
Joffre A+B room (Level 1)European prevention strategies

Moderation: The Lulaly trust (parental association - UK), Anna S. Pease (Bristol - UK) and Beatrice Kugener (Lyon - France)
- Prevention strategies in Europe/International: do we deliver consistent messages
Rachel Moon (Philadelphia - USA)
- Impact of SUDI Prevention messages on families: results from the SMART study
Fern R. Hauck (Virginia - USA)
- Prevention of positional skull deformities and sudden infant death syndrome: French Recommendations
Hugues Patural (Saint-Étienne - France)
- European position on cosleeping
Pete Blair (Bristol - UK)
Round table discussion
Joffre D room (Level 1)SUDI and joint investigations of legal medecine

Moderation: Siri Hauge Opdal and Torleiv Ole Rognum (Oslo - Norway)
- Keeping families at the centre of SUDI investigations
Joanna Garstang (Birmingham - UK)
- Experiences of joint agency death investigation - a UK policing perspective
Jonathan Holmes (Lancashire - UK)
- Identifying Child Abuse Fatalities during Infancy
Arne Stray-Pedersen (Oslo - Norway)
- The French government's plan to combat child abuse and its implications for SIDS/SUDI victims
Caroline Rambaud (Paris - France)
Round table discussion
Joffre C room (Level 1)Free presentations on SIDS and SUDI

Moderation: Cécile Acquaviva-Bourdain (Lyon - France) and Monique L’Hoir (Wageningen - Netherlands)
Short oral presentations: European prevention strategies
- Diversify channels to reach everyone: the Nanna Sicura portal
Allegra Bonomi (Florence - Italy)
- ALTE in Piedmont region during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Eleonora Dicesare (Turin - Italy)
- SIDS: Safe sleep and bedsharing or co-sleeping
Giulia Costagliola (Turin - Italy)
- SUID & SIDS ITALIA Safe Sleep prevention and criticality on information
Monica Diviccaro (Turin - Italy)
- The importance of engaging with young parents
Jenny Ward (London - UK)
Using a Safer Sleep tool to improve perinatal health equity
Stella Parkin (London - UK)
- Non-compliance of Instagram photos with the infant safe sleeping advice for the prevention of SUDI
Floortje Kanits (Wageningen - Netherlands)
- Renewed attention to the current SUDI prevention advice is needed, with additional attention for high-risk groups
Floortje Kanits (Wageningen - Netherlands)
- Good parental practices in the prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): the results of a survey in Sicily (Italy)
Achille Cernigliaro (Palermo - Italy)
Joffre 4 room (Level 1)Workshop on classification - Session 1 (on registration)
Moderation: Richard D. Goldstein (Boston - USA) and Peter Flemming (Bristol - UK)
The aim of this workshop is to discuss the faisability for a harmonised SIDS/SUDI classification in Europe
- Advantages of harmonisation of classification
- Agenda and procedures for a harmonised classification
- Basis for the creation of a European consensus
Joffre Hall (Level 1)Coffee break - Visit of exhibition & Posters
- Best poster award & Best oral presentation award
- Word of the parental organisations
- Word of thanks
Parallel sessions
Joffre A+B room (Level 1)Actualities on SIDS/SUDI research

Moderation: Hugues Patural (Saint-Étienne - France), Monique L’Hoir (Wageningen - Netherlands) and Germaine Liebrechts-Akkerman (Apeldoorn - Netherlands)
- It’s a story of the sleep
Patricia Franco (Lyon – France)
- SIDS - is it all in the genes?
Siri Hauge Opdal (Oslo - Norway)
- SIDS: Infection and inflammatory cascade
Christèle Gras-Le Guen (Nantes - France)
- The autonomic nervous system and the triple risk model for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Rosemary S.C. Horne (Melbourne - Australia)
Round table discussion
Joffre C room (Level 1)Sudden death in the young (SDY)

Moderation: Pete Blair (Bristol - UK) and Gilles Cambonie (Montpellier - France)
- Improving investigation of ALL child deaths
Joanna Garstang (Birmingham - UK)
USA's experience with sudden unexpected infant death and sudden death in the young case registries
Carri Cottengim (Houston - USA)
- Quality of investigations into unexpected deaths of infants and young children in England after implementation of national child death review procedures
Peter Fleming (Bristol - UK)
Round table discussion
- Creation of working groups on SIDS and Infant death in Europe/International
- How will we move on
Joffre D room (Level 1)Care pathway for a SIDS case (in French)

Moderation: Elisabeth Briand-Huchet (Paris - France) and Béatrice Kugener (Lyon - France)
- Parcours de soins pour un cas de MIN (en français)
- L’intervention du Smur dans le parcours de soin d’une MIN : anecdotique ou pas ?
Dr Gilles Duthoit (Toulouse - France) - Intervention de l’équipe du CRMIN
Anne Guillaume, Christelle Lapoirie et Stéphanie Lapeyre (Puéricultrices CRMIN Montpellier - France) - Décès inattendu, impact et répercussions sur le plan psychologique
Karine Bertran de Balenda (Psychologue CRMIN Montpellier - France)
Round table discussion
Joffre 4 room (Level 1)Workshop on classification - Session 2 (on registration)
Moderation: Richard D. Goldstein (Boston - USA) and Peter Flemming (Bristol - UK)
- Presentation of difficult cases
Joffre A+B room (Level 1)Closing ceremony

Inge Harrewijn, Odile Pidoux and Gilles Cambonie
- Presentation International congress ISPID Florence 2023