Monday 30 May
Joffre Hall (Level 1)Congress registration
Joffre A+B room (Level 1)Welcome introduction

Inge Harrewijn and Odile Pidoux (Montpellier - France)
Film Italy

Plenary session
Joffre A+B room (Level 1)The continuing decline in SIDS mortality rates and the way forward

Moderation: Martin Chalumeau (Paris - France), Fern R. Hauck and Rachel Moon (Virginia - USA)
- National variations in recent trends of sudden unexpected infant death rate in Western Europe
Sophie de Visme (Nantes - France)
- From observation to intervention: identifying families at high risk of SUDI
Pete Blair (Bristol - UK)
- Improving uptake of safer sleep advice: SIDS prevention for families with infants at increased risk
Anna Pease (Bristol - UK)
- Recent historic increase of infant mortality in France
Martin Chalumeau (Paris - France)
Round table discussion
Joffre Hall (Level 1)Coffee break - Visit of exhibition & Posters
Plenary session
Joffre A+B room (Level 1)SIDS/SUDI registries: actual experience

Moderation: Richard D. Goldstein (Boston - USA), Pete Blair (Bristol - UK) and Christèle Gras-Le Guen (Nantes - France)
- The English National Child Mortality Database: Insights from identifying and investigating ALL deaths of infants and children
Peter Fleming (Bristol - UK)
- The French prospective multisite Registry on sudden unexpected infant death (OMIN): rationale and study protocol
Karine Levieux (Nantes - France)
The sudden unexpected infant death case registry: a method to improve surveillance
Sharyn Parks Brown and Alexa Erck (Houston - USA)
Round table discussion
- Feasibility of European registries
Joffre Hall (Level 1)Lunch - Visit of exhibition & Posters
Parallel sessions
Joffre A+B room (Level 1)Harmonisation of investigations on the causes of death

Moderation: Caroline Rambaud (Paris - France), Arne Stray-Pedersen (Oslo - Norway) and Patricia Franco (Lyon - France)
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: current investigations and virological documentation from the French SUDI registre
Lise Martin-Perceval (Nantes - France)
- Importance of the extent of death Scene investigation for cases of Sudden and Unexpected Death of Infancy (SUDI)
Torleiv Ole Rognum (Oslo - Norway)
Essentials of the autopsy work
Marta Cohen (Sheffield - UK)
Round table discussion
Joffre C room (Level 1)Free presentations on SIDS and SUDI

Moderation: Hugues Patural (Saint-Etienne - France) and Rosemary S. C. Horne (Melbourne - Australia)
Short oral presentations: Harmonisation of investigations on the causes of death
- Feedback on a protocol for the management of sudden infant death syndrome
Agathe Bascou (Toulouse - France)
- Assessing retinal hemorrhages with non-invasive post mortem fundus imaging in sudden unexpected infant death (SUDI)
Jean-Baptiste Ducloyer (Nantes - France)
- Risk factors for unexpected infant death among very premature infants in France
Patrick Pladys (Rennes - France)
- A successful collaboration: 24 hours cardiorespiratory recording in infants with surgical congenital anomalies
Giulia Costagliola (Turin - Italy)
- Study of stress, hypoxia and post-mortem delay markers in unexpected infant death syndrome (SIDS/SUDI)
Antoine Coquerel (Caen - France)
- Role of pathogens in Sudden Unexpected Death of Infancy: A 10-year review of the PACA West SUDI reference center, University Hospital, Marseille
Patricia Garcia (Marseille - France)
- Aquaporin 4 expression in the hippocampus in sudden unexplained infant death
Johanna Marie Lundesgaard Eidahl (Oslo - Norway)
- Butyrylcholinesterase is a potential biomarker for SIDS
Carmel Harrington (Sydney - Australia)
Joffre D room (Level 1)European Parental Associations - Session 1
Moderation: Christine Tran-Quang (Naître & Vivre - France), The Lullaby Trust, Sa Vie and Les Rires d’Anna
- Presentations (organisation, actions, prevention strategies, support of bereaved families)
Workshop on registries for SIDS/SUDI/Sudden death in the young - Session 1 (on registration)
Joffre 4 room (Level 1)
Moderation: Pete Blair (Bristol - UK), Peter Fleming (Bristol - UK), Karine Levieux (Nantes - France), and Joanna Garstang (Birmingham - UK)
The aim of this workshop is to discuss the faisability of implementing registries in Europe
- Advantages of creating registers in Europe
- Agenda and modalities for the implementation of national registries
- Common minimal data needed for a European registry
Joffre Hall (Level 1)Coffee break - Visit of exhibition & Posters
Parallel sessions
Joffre A+B room (Level 1)Investments likely to explain the cause of death

Moderation: Christèle Gras-Le Guen (Nantes - France), Gilles Cambonie (Montpellier - France) and Rosemary S. C. Horne (Melbourne - Australia)
- Contribution of metabolic invetigations
Cécile Acquaviva-Bourdain (Lyon - France)
Cardiologic findings in SIDS cases
Alban-Elouen Baruteau (Nantes - France)
- Radiologic contributions to the investigation of SIDS
Ikram Taleb Arrada (Montpellier - France)
- The Past, Present and Future of SIDS
Richard D. Goldstein (Boston - USA)
- SNPs in SIDS
Germaine Liebrechts-Akkerman (Apeldoorn - Netherlands)
Round table discussion
Joffre C room (Level 1)Free presentations on SIDS and SUDI

Moderation: Ursula Kiechl-Kohlendorfer (Innsbruck - Autriche), Adèle Engelberts (Amsterdam - Netherlands) and Rachel Moon (Virginia - USA)
Short oral presentations: Investments likely to explain the cause of death
- Ogival palate and Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI)
Caroline Rambaud (Garches - France)
- The ogival palate: a new risk marker of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy?
Mathilde Ducloyer (Nantes - France)
- Saved by the bell? A case report concerning an extreme preterm born infant monitored during sleep at home with a cardio-respiratory memory machine
Sonia Scaillet (Brussels - Belgium)
- Unexplained infant deaths in bed-sharing situations versus in own bed – Both may be designated SIDS, but are they two different entities?
Silje Osberg (Oslo - Norway)
- Death of an infant in the setting of a COVID 19 delta variant infection
Patricia Garcia (Marseille - France)
- Five cases of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infants (SUDI) treated with propranolol for hemangiomas
Antoine Coquerel (Caen - France)
Joffre D room (Level 1)European Parental Associations - Session 2
- Proposition to create European parental working groups
Workshop on registries for SIDS/SUDI/Sudden death in the young - Session 2 (on registration)
Joffre 4 room (Level 1)
Moderation: Pete Blair (Bristol - UK), Peter Fleming (Bristol - UK), Karine Levieux (Nantes - France), and Joanna Garstang (Birmingham - UK)
- Proposition to create working groups on registries in Europe
- Registries: how will we move on