Wednesday 30 November
Espaces S1/S2Welcome coffee
Plenary Session: Pierre Grabar Lectures
Amphi. Gaston Berger
Chairs: Philippe Kourilsky - Collège de France - Paris (FR) and Pierre Golstein - Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, Inserm, CNRS, Université Aix-Marseille (FR)
- Federica Sallusto - Institute for Research in Biomedicine - Bellinzona (CH): Human T cell repertoires in immunity, autoimmunity and allergy
- Mark Davis - Stanford University (US): Nature, nurture and the αβ T cell receptor repertoire
Espaces S1/S2Coffee break - Visit of exhibition - Poster session
Parallel Sessions
Activation and effector molecules in T cell immune responses 
Amphi. Gaston Berger
Chairs: Anne-Sophie Korganow - Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS - Strasbourg (FR) and Armand Bensussan - Inserm, Université Paris VII-USPC - Paris (FR)
- Geneviève de Saint Basile - Institut Imagine, Inserm, Université Paris V-USPC - Paris (FR): Lymphocyte cytotoxicity in immune homeostasis: learning from the study of primary cytotoxicity-deficiencies
- Bernard Malissen - Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, Université Aix-Marseille, Inserm, CNRS - Marseille (FR): Toward an integrative biology of T cells and dendritic cells
Selected short oral presentations
- Ulf Gehrman - Institut Curie - Paris (FR): Epigenetic control of naïve CD4+ T cell plasticity
- Geoffrey Guittard - Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille (FR): Cish actively silences TCR signaling in CD8+ T cells to maintain tumor tolerance
- Émilie Ronin - Centre d’Immunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses, Inserm, Université Paris VI, Sorbonne Universités - Paris (FR): Role of NFkB in the biology of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells at steady state and during inflammation
Allergic, effector and suppressive responses
Salle Louis Armand Est
Chairs: Benoît Salomon - Centre d’Immunologie et de Maladies Infectieuses, Inserm, Université Paris VI-Sorbonne Universités - Paris (FR) and Jean-François Nicolas - Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie, Inserm, Univ. Lyon1 - Pierre-Bénite (FR)
- Sebastian Amigorena - Institut Curie, Inserm - Paris (FR): Antigen presentation and T cell activation by dendritic cells
- Pierre Bruhns - Institut Pasteur, Inserm - Paris (FR): Mechanisms of allergic shock in humans: results from the multicentric NASA study
Selected short oral presentations
- Séverine Bézie - Inserm - Nantes (FR): A new population of human IFNγ+IL -10+IL -34+ secreting CD8+CD45RClow Tregs efficiently inhibits anti-donor immune response
- Bénédicte Machiels - Institute for Fundamental and Applied Research in Animal Health - Liège (B): A respiratory γherpesvirus infection protects against allergic asthma through alveolar recruitment of regulatory monocytes
- Biliana Todorova - Institut Pasteur - Paris (FR): In vivo whole body imaging of allergic shock
Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology (SSAI): 
Session Infection and inflammation
Salle Louis Armand Ouest
Chair: Stéphanie Hugues - University of Geneva Medical School - (CH)
- Michel Gilliet - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois - Lausanne (CH): Recruitment and activation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in injured skin is controlled by commensal bacteria
- Annette Oxenius - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Zurich (CH): Regulation of adaptive immunity during viral infections
- Nicola Harris - École Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne (CH): Impact of helminth-microbiota interactions on inflammation and immunity
Espaces S1/S2Lunch - Coffee - Visit of exhibition - Poster session
SFI General Assembly
Amphi. Gaston Berger
Plenary Session: Dysregulation of the immune system 
Amphi. Gaston Berger
Chairs: Lucienne Chatenoud - Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Inserm, CNRS, Université Paris V-USPC - Paris (FR) and Pierre-André Cazenave - Institut Pasteur, Inserm - Paris (FR)
- Bart Lambrecht - VIB Inflammation Research Center - Gent (B): New insights in the molecular mechanism of the hygiene hypothesis
- Christophe Benoist - Harvard Medical School - Boston (US): Quantum mechanics of immunological tolerance
Parallel Sessions
Salle Louis Armand Ouest
Chairs: Yolande Richard - Institut Cochin, Inserm, CNRS, Université Paris V-USPC - Paris (FR) and Roland Liblau - Centre de Pathophysiologie Toulouse Purpan, Inserm, CNRS, Université de Toulouse III - Toulouse (FR)
- Burkhard Becher - University of Zurich (CH): How T cells talk to myeloid cells: the new bad guys in autoimmunity
- Yanick Crow - Institut Imagine, Inserm, Université Paris V-USPC - Paris (FR): Human type I interferonopathies
- Simon Fillatreau - Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Inserm, CNRS, Université Paris V-USPC - Paris (FR): Immunosuppressive activities of B cells and plasma cells
Selected short oral presentations
- Laurie Baert - Institut pour l'Avancée des Biosciences - La Tronche (FR): CNS-derived APRIL triggers an IL-10 anti-inflammatory response from astrocytes in multiple sclerosis
- Xuan-Hung Nguyen - Centre de Physiopathologie Toulouse Purpan - Toulouse (FR): Use of an animal model to dissect how an adjuvanted influenza vaccine triggers narcolepsy with cataplexy
Intracellular immunity
Salle Louis Armand Est
Chairs: Myriam Labalette - Inflammation Research International Center, Université de Lille - Lille (FR) and Claire Hivroz - Institut Curie, Inserm - Paris (FR)
- Monsef Benkirane - Institut de Génétique Humaine, CNRS - Montpellier (FR): Restriction Factors are key determinants of viral susceptibility and latency
- Olivier Schwartz - Institut Pasteur, CNRS - Paris (FR): HIV spread and antiviral humoral responses
Selected short oral presentations
- Anne Jarry - Université de Nantes (FR): The inflammasome of tumor cells modulates the biology of Tumor Infiltrating T lymphocytes (TILs) in colorectal cancer
- Nadia Jeremiah - Institut Curie - Paris (FR): Intrinsic anti-proliferative activity of the innate sensor STING in T lymphocytes
- Clémence Richetta - Centre d’Immunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses, Inserm, Université Paris VI, Sorbonne Universités - Paris (FR): Autophagy does not influence HIV replication in productively infected dendritic cells
Mucosal immunity
Amphi. Gaston Berger
Chairs: Bach-Nga Pham - Hôpital Universitaire, Université Champagne Ardennes - Reims (FR) and Paul Guglielmi - Université de Montpellier, Inserm - Montpellier (FR)
- Nadine Cerf-Bensussan - Institut Imagine, Inserm, Université Paris V-USPC - Paris (FR): Segmented filamentous bacterium: an unusual symbiont that instructs the development of the gut immune barrier
- Béatrice Romagnolo - Institut Cochin, Inserm, CNRS, Université Paris V-USPC - Paris (FR): Intestinal inhibition of Atg7 prevents tumor initiation through a microbiome-influenced immune response and suppresses tumor growth
Selected short oral presentations
- Ahmed Abidi - Institut de Transplantation Urologie-Néphrologie - Nantes (FR): Interleukin-22-binding protein (IL-22BP) regulates IL-22 functions during gut homeostasis
- Jehane Fadlallah - Centre d’Immunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses, Inserm, Université Paris VI-Sorbonne Universités - Paris (FR): Perturbed host/microbial symbiosis associated to selective human IgA deficiency
- Jordi Gouilly - Centre de Physiopathologie Toulouse Purpan - Toulouse (FR): NKp30/NCR3 and NKp44/NCR2 microenvironment-induced alternative spliced variants orchestrate NK cell effectors functions
Prizes - Conclusion
Amphi. Gaston Berger