Wednesday 16 November
Understanding animal needs
Chairs: Dominique Autier-Dérian (Animal Welfare Consulting, France) & Nicolas Dudoignon (Sanofi R&D, France)
Ethology applied to animal welfare improvement
Dominique Autier-Dérian (Animal Welfare Consulting - France)
The mental states and emotions of animals, an illustration in farm ungulates herbivores
Xavier Boivin (Inra - France)
Taking into account sensory abilities to improve animal welfare
Birte L. Nielsen (Inra - France)
Taking into account early rearing experiences to improve animal welfare
Cathy Dwyer (Scotland’s Rural College - UK)
Taking into account cognitive abilities to improve animal welfare: a focus on memory systems in human and animals
Aline Marigehtto (Inserm Magendié - France)
Salle de réceptionCoffee break - Visit of exhibition - Poster session
A mouse is not a small rat: taking into account differences between species to improve animal welfare
Christina Winnicker (Columbia University - USA)
Taking into account the needs of genetically engineered animals to improve animal welfare
Silvia Mandillo (CNR - National Research Council - Italy)
The challenges of aquatic animal welfare
Howard Browman (Institute of Marine Research - Norway)
Salle de réceptionLunch - Coffee - Visit of exhibition - Poster session
Measuring animal welfare in different situations
Chairs: Paolo Dalla Villa (IZSAM, Italy) & Paul Flecknell (Newcastle University, UK)
Assessment of animal welfare in agricultural settings
Alice de Boyer des Roches and Isabelle Veissier (VetAgro Sup - France)
Animal welfare in a companion animal - shelter setting
Paolo Dalla Villa (IZSAM - Italy)
Animal welfare in a companion animal - human domestic setting
Sarah Heath (Behavioural Referrals - UK)
The EU Zoo Inquiry
Daniel Turner (Born Free Foundation - UK)
Salle de réceptionCoffee break - Visit of exhibition - Poster session
Offered by
Animal welfare science in a laboratory setting
Huw Golledge (Universities Federation for Animal Welfare - UK)
Pain assesment (in a laboratory setting)
Paul Flecknell (Newcastle University - UK)
Short oral communications
Chairs: Delphine Denais-Laliève (IRSN - France) and Samuel Vidal (VetAgro Sup - France)
- The dilemma of crate height for turkeys during transportation: can freedom of movement improve or impair animal welfare?
Guido Di Martino (IZSVe - Italy) - Variation of a temperature-humidity index in the truck transporting sows to slaughter
Charlotte Gaillard (Aarhus University - Denmark) - Non-invasive method to study cortex activity in free moving animals
Matteo Chincarini (Università degli Studi di Teramo - Italy) - The challenges in establishing HEP in laboratory swine
Francesca Barone (University of Bologna - Italy) - Refinement in NHP models: An innovative automated tool to assess cognitive abilities in group-housed macaques
Helen Beyer (Silabe - France) - Animal abuse and domestic violence
Dominique Autier-Dérian and Marie-José Enders-Slegers (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Heerlen - The Netherlands) - Working together to implement a culture of care
Kirsty Reid (Eurogroup for animals - Belgium) - Rehoming laboratory animals: a main asset to increase animal welfare but also increase workers well-being
Amélie Romain (Association GRAAL - France)