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ASIC 2021

28 June - 1 July 2021 - Montpelier SupAgro - France

Bandeau - ASIC 2021

Poster presentations Thursday 1 July

CET (Central European Time)

Poster presentations  (2 virtual rooms)


Session 1: Plant science

  Link to the virtual Room 1Chairs: Jose Rafael Chan & Alexandre de Kochko

  • Télécharger le PDF  S1-PO-22 - Root Microbiome of Arabica Coffee Plant Grown in Different Geographical Location
    Luciano Navarini (illycaffè spa, Trieste, Italy)
  • Télécharger le PDF  S1-PO-23 - Seed purity of the first two commercial coffee hybrid varieties (C. arabica) Star2 and Star3 in Ecuador
    Victoria Berry (Plant Science Research Unit, Nestlé R&D Tours, Notre Dame d'Oé, France)
  • Télécharger le PDF  S1-PO-25 - Exploring drought tolerance variation in Ugandan Coffea canephora
    Catherine Kiwuka (Centre for crop systems analysis, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, Netherlands)

  • Questions / Answers

  • Télécharger le PDF  S1-PO-26 - Water-use efficiency of new Coffea arabica F1 hybrids undergoing different water availability in an agroforestry system
    Thuan Sarzynski (DIADE, University Montpellier, CIRAD, IRD, Montpellier, France / NOMAFSI, Son La, Vietnam)
  • Télécharger le PDF  S1-PO-27 - Genomic characterization of 10 Vietnamese elite clones of Robusta (Coffea canephora)
    Bao Tram Vi (UMR DIADE, Univ. Montpellier, CIRAD, IRD, Montpellier, France / AGI, Hanoi, Vietnam)
  • S1-PO-28 - WCSdb: A database of Wild Coffea Species
    Romain Guyot (UMR DIADE, IRD, Montpellier, France)
  • Télécharger le PDF  S1-PO-29 - Genetic Variability and Genetic Structure of Thai Arabica Coffee hybrids (Coffea arabica L.) Based on SSR markers and A Model-based Genetic Clustering Method
    Chatnapa Khomarwut (Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperative., Department of Agriculture(DOA), Bangkok, Thailand)
  • Télécharger le PDF  S1-PO-30 - Tailoring the creation of next generation of coffee varieties in Rwanda
    Simon Martin Mvuyekure (Rwanda Agriculture Board, Kigali, Rwanda)

  • Questions / Answers


Session 8: Coffee chemistry & sensory sciences + others

  Link to the virtual Room 2Chairs: Imre Blank & Robert Farr

  • Télécharger le PDF  S8-PO-09 - Optimization of espresso coffee extraction to lower the amount of coffee
    Simone Angeloni (School of Pharmacy, University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy / RICH - Research and Innovation Coffee Hub, Belforte del Chienti, Italy)
  • Télécharger le PDF  S8-PO-10 - A metabolomics approach to discriminate which compounds contribute to the sensory characters of coffee brew
    Taku Hanzawa (Research & Development Department, UCC Ueshima Coffee Co., Ltd, kobe, Japan)
  • Télécharger le PDF  S8-PO-11 - A simple predictive model for the espresso coffee Extraction Yield
    Alessia Perticarini (School of Sciences and Technology - Mathematics Division, University of Camerino, Camerino, Italy / RICH - Research and Innovation Coffee Hub, Belforte del Chienti, Italy)

  • Questions / Answers

  • Télécharger le PDF  S8-PO-13 - The role of chemometrics in the characterization of coffee quality
    Erica Liberto (Dipartimento di Scienza e Tecnologia del Farmaco, Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy)
  • Télécharger le PDF  S8-PO-14 - Developing a milk coffee flavor wheel for Japanese consumers
    Shinichiro Hatakeyama (Food Research & Development Institute, Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd, Zama, Kanagawa, Japan)

  • Questions / Answers