9-12 September 2025 - Mercure - Montpellier - France

Bandeau - APOMIXIS 2025

Visa Information for France

Visa Procedure

According to where you are coming from, a visa can be necessary for you to come to France for the congress.

France is part of the so-called «Schengen area», which encompasses multiple European States to form a common space of free movement for persons. As such, people from many nationalities or countries do not require a visa to enter and travel in France and Europe :

In order to help you in your visa application, a personalized letter can be sent to you, as long as the registration is completed and entirely paid. This letter has for purpose to help you obtain financial help for your travel or to obtain a visa, but is in no way any kind of engagement or help of participation from the organizers.

Please make sure to check the necessary documents for your visa application as it can differ from a country to another. French embassies or Consulate services will be able to answer your questions.

You can also find some information on the following link : https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france.

Please know that visa application may take time, and that you must therefore proceed to your application as soon as possible before the congress.