Wednesday 17 September
SESSION 2 - (Epi)Genomics of apomixis
- Keynote - Duarte Dionisio FIGUEIREDO - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany
Deciphering the mechanisms of endosperm initiation in angiosperms
- Juan Manuel VEGA - IICAR, Univ. Nac Rosario-CONICET, Argentina
Deciphering the structure and gene content of the ACL of Paspalum notatum
- Bianca BACCILI ZANOTTO VIGNA - EMBRAPA Southeastern Livestock, Brazil
Apomixis in tropical forages
+ 3 Selected oral presentations
Coffee break - Posters
SESSION 3 - Reproductive developmental plasticity
- Keynote - Matthew TUCKER - Univ. Adelaide, Australia
Awaiting title
- Luciana DELGADO - IICAR, Univ. Nac Rosario-CONICET, Argentina
Are apomictic and sexual development related to the plasticity of ovule morphogenesis? A 3D approach in Paspalum rufum
- Stewart GILLMOR - CINVESTAV, Mexico
Epigenetic marks associated with parentally-biased gene expression in the Arabidopsis embryo
+ 3 Selected oral presentations
Lunch & Coffee - Posters
SESSION 4 - Apomeiosis I
- Keynote - Üeli GROSSNIKLAUS - Univ. Zürich, Switzerland
Awaiting title
- Adrián GONZALO SANCHEZ - ETH, Switzerland
Genetics of meiotic stability in polyploids
- Ingrid GARBUS - CERZOS-Univ. Nac del Sur, Argentina
Awaiting title
+ 3 Selected oral presentations