Invited speakers
Opening Plenary lectures

Amanda GRUSZ - Univ. Minesota Duluth, USA
Awaiting title

Pr. Venkatesan SUNDARESAN - UC Davis, USA
Awaiting title
SESSION 1: Evolution of apomixis

Elvira HÖRANDL - Univ. Göttingen, Germany
The origin of apomixis in natural plant populations

Petra ŠARHANOVÁ - Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Awaiting title

Koen JF VERHOEVEN - Neederlands Institute of Ecology, Neederlands
Urban adaptation in apomictic dandelion populations
SESSION 2: (Epi)Genomics of apomixis

Duarte Dionisio FIGUEIREDO - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany
Deciphering the mechanisms of endosperm initiation in angiosperms

Juan Manuel VEGA - IICAR, Univ. Nac Rosario-CONICET, Argentina
Deciphering the structure and gene content of the ACL of Paspalum notatum
SESSION 3: Reproductive developmental plasticity

Matthew TUCKER - Univ. Adeliade, Australia
Awaiting title

Luciana DELGADO - IICAR, Univ. Nac Rosario-CONICET, Argentina
Are apomictic and sexual development related to the plasticity of ovule morphogenesis? A 3D approach in Paspalum rufum

Epigenetic marks associated with parentally-biased gene expression in the Arabidopsis embryo
SESSION 4: Apomeiosis I

Üeli GROSSNIKLAUS - Univ. Zürich, Switzerland
Awaiting title
SESSION 5: Apomeiosis II

Tim SHARBEL - Univ. Saskatchewan, Canada
Evolution of the apomictic genome in Boechera

Lorena SIENA - IICAR, Univ. Nac Rosario-CONICET, Argentina
Awaiting title

Marta MENDES - Univ. Milan, Italy
Awaiting title
SESSION 6: Triggering embryogenesis

Charles J. UNDERWOOD - Radboud University, Netherlands
Awaiting title

Thomas WIDIEZ - RDP-ENS Lyon, France
Defective fertilization to trigger haploid embryo in maize

Kenny BOGAERT - Max Planck Institute of Biology, Germany
Apomixis in the Sea? Parthenogenesis and Maternal Cues in Seaweeds
Missing tools for harnessing apomixis in plant breeding?

Silvina PESSINO - IICAR, Univ. Nac Rosario-CONICET, Argentina
Missing tools for harnessing apomixis in plant breeding?

Emmanuel GUIDERDONI - CIRAD, France

Kejian WANG - China National Rice Research Institute, China

Peggy OZIAS-AKINS - Univ. Tifton, USA

Emidio ALBERTINI - University of Perugia, Italy
Apomixis, a plant breeding innovation?

Liana JANK - EMBRAPA, breeder, Brazil
Apomixis, a plant breeding innovation?

Stéphane LEMARIÉ - INRAe, France

Anna KOLTUNOW - Univ. Queensland, Australia

Awaiting confirmation

Awaiting confirmation
SESSION 7: Seed development

Benoit LANDREIN - RDP-ENS Lyon, France
Mechanical control of seed morphogenesis

Gerardo Del TORO-De LEÓN - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany
Maternal control of RNA decay safeguards embryo development

Anja SCHMIDT - Univ. Heidelberg, Germany
RNA helicases in shaping plasticity during sexual and apomictic reproduction through seeds
SESSION 8: Asexual reproduction in animals

Thomas LENORMAND - CEFE-Univ. Montpellier, France
Awaiting title

Micaela MÜLLER - CERZOS-Univ. Nac del Sur-CONICET, Argentina
Beyond plants: how reproductive strategies could shape invasiveness and disease spread in freshwater snails