SFM 2025

24-26 September 2025 - Palais de Congrès - Bordeaux - France

Bandeau - SFM 2025

Abstract submission

To help you submit abstracts, please refer to the descriptions of the sub-sessions for each theme.

Recommandations to authors


The submission includes:


The abstract should be a maximum of 350 words, in French or English.

If possible and appropriate, these abstracts should be structured with the following subheadings:

The keywords follow the summary; their number from 1 to 5, and also in French or English.

Charts and illustrations

Charts and illustrations are not allowed.


Authors must ensure that the texts submitted are clear and easily understandable, precise and concise. Abbreviations and acronyms should be explained when they first appear in the text and then used consistently and invariably.

Optional references

The number of references should not exceed 5.

All references must be called out in the text and numbered in the order in which they appear. The numbers should appear in the text in square brackets, separated by dashes when they are consecutive references, e.g [1-3], and by commas when they are non-consecutive references: [1,3].

Abbreviations for journal names are from the Index Medicus of the National Library of Medicine

References should be presented according to the standards adopted by the "Vancouver" convention (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Fifth edition. N Engl J Med 1997; 336:309–16).

Up to 6 authors should be listed by name; beyond 6, the first 6 should be cited, followed by a comma and the mention "et al".

Examples of references:

Periodical article

1 - Bonomo MG, Millela L, Martelli,G, Salzano G. 2013. Stress response assessment of Lactobacillus sakei strains selected as potential autochtonous starter cultures by flow cytometry and nucleic acid double-staining analyses. J Appl Microbiol. 115:786-95.

Quote from a book chapter

2 - Brunengo P, Galinier J-L, Peigue-Lafeuille H. 2018. Les étapes de l’analyse de Microbiologie. p.21-32. In Bouchara J-P, Bourlet T, Galinier J-L, Herrmann J-L, Lachaud L, Lamy B, Laudat P, Marque juillet S (ed). REMIC, 6th ed, vol1. SFM, Paris, France.


Charts and other illustrations are not accepted for online submission.

Abstract example

Abstract template in PDF

Abstract model image:
Exemple de résumé