SFM 2024

7-9 October 2024 - Lille Grand Palais - Lille - France

Bandeau - SFM 2024

Welcome to the 19th SFM National Conference

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 19th National Congress of the SFM ‘Bienvenue chez les Microbes’ which will take place at the ‘Lille Grand Palais’ from 7 to 9 October 2024.

The scientific and organising committees, with the help of the sections and working groups, and of the Partners Societies, are already working on a rich and diverse program.

The topics that will be addressed during the congress are:

  • Microbial Pathogenesis
  • Epidemiology and Population Genomics
  • Food Microbiology
  • Environment
  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Sustainable Microbiology
  • Antimicrobials
  • Virology
  • Biodiversity and Evolution
  • Microbial Biotechnology
  • Pedagogical Innovations
  • Mycology / Parasitology
  • Biological Safety and Security
  • Risk modeling / AI

Do not forget to note the date of the congress and to block it in your diaries.

Yours sincerely,

Sonia Burrel,
President of the SFM

Dear all,

We are pleased to welcome you to Microbes 2024 ‘Bienvenue chez les microbes’, to be held in Lille, the capital of Flanders, the birthplace of Pasteurian microbiology.

In addition to an attractive program covering the latest breakthroughs in microbiology, you will be able to appreciate the warm welcome of the people of the North, enjoy the atmosphere of the estaminets, feast on the famous Méert waffles, visit the Belfry, the Hospice Comtesse and many other gems of Flemish architecture.

The program is already shaping up to be rich and full of novelties. The Grand Palais will provide us with a venue for exciting scientific discussions, poster sessions, invited and selected oral presentations, which we will present to you as usual before the summer.

See you soon in Lille,

The Local Organising Committee.

Download the Planning at a glance
(French PDF)

Online registration

Abstract submission for poster presentations only:

Abstract submission

Important dates

Abstract submission until:
Friday 21 June 2024

Early bird registration until:
Wednesday 31 July 2024

PhD thesis 2024, closing date for application file:
Monday 1st July 2024

Photo contest, photos submission deadline:
Friday 27 September 2024

Thesis Awards and
Scholarships 2024

Poster Awards

Photo contest

Announcement poster

Affiche d’annonce

 Download PDF

5e Forum ‘Carrières en Microbiologie’

Monday 7 October 2023 - 10h-13h

Symposium ‘Grippe et Virus respiratoires’

Monday 7 October 2023
11h-13h / 14h-16h

Symposium Mycology / Parasitology

Monday 7 October 2023
13h30-15h30 / 16h-18h

Become a member of the SFM and benefit from reduced registration fees: