Wednesday 23 November
Rhodes - Level 2 Welcome coffee
Plenary Session
Auditorium Athéna - Level 2Debate ‘Women in Science’
Chairs: Abdelilah Wakkach (Nice), Florence Apparailly (Montpellier) &
Fatima-Ezzahra L’Faqihi-Olive (Toulouse)
- Yasmine Belkaid (Bethesda, USA): Title up coming
- Anne Hosmalin (Paris): Women in Immunology: a career perspective
Parallel Sessions
Room Rhodes 9 - Level 2
SFI / Spanish Society for Immunology
Contribution of french and spanish immunology to the fight againts Covid
Chairs: Marcos López Hoyos (Santander, Spain) & Renato Monteiro (Paris)
- Olivier Schwartz (Paris): Omicron sub-variants and sub-sub-variants: viral fitness and sensitivity to the humoral response
- Estela Paz-Artal (Madrid, Spain): SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Vaccination : Real World Immunology Lessons
- Jorge Carrillo (Barcelona, Spain): Structurally guided stabilization of Spike glycoproteins for the development of novel SARS-CoV-2 vaccines
Room Risso 6 - Level 2
AFC / SFM - Microbiology
Chairs: Marielle Bouix (Paris) & Claire Saulou-Bérion (Palaiseau)
- Lysiane Omhover (Strasbourg): Freeze-dried bacteria: between viability and stress states
- Mickael Bourge (Paris): Development of intracellular pH measurements to characterize the physiology of bacteroids in the legume-rhizobium symbiosis by combining cytometry and imaging
Selected short oral presentations
- Laetitia Velly (Paris): Optimal combination of early biomarkers for infection and sepsis diagnosis in the emergency department: The BIPS study
- Clément Trunet (Quimper): Rapid flow cytometry methodology for airborne fungal conidia enumeration
- Sophie Servain-Viel (Orsay): Flow Cytometry Method for Safe Detection of Bacterial Viability
Auditorium Athéna - Level 2
AFC / CytHem - New cytometers, new panels, new regulation
Chairs: Michel Ticchioni (Nice) & Magali Le Garff-Tavernier (Paris)
- Bernard Chatelain (Yvoir, Belgium): Reflections on the implementation and use of the FACS Lyric flow cytometer at the CHU UCL Namur
- Christophe Roumier (Lille): Du Navios au DX Flex (Beckman Coulter) : impact du changement de technologie (10 PMT vs 13 APD, Digitalisation 20 Bits vs 24 Bits) en pratique au laboratoire
- Françoise Durrieu (Bordeaux): New cytometer and new panels in an acrredited routine lab: experience of the Dxflex implementation
Selected short oral presentations
- Nicolas Voirin-Mathieu (Limoges): Performance analysis of new 10-color cytometer: XF-1600® Sysmex
- Magali Le Garff-Tavernier (Paris): Phenotypic profile of Waldenström Macroglobulinemia B cells: from determination of a diagnostic score to development of a 12-color flow cytometry panel
Rhodes - Level 2 Coffee break - Visit of exhibition - Posters
Poster Prize audition
Parallel Sessions
Auditorium Athéna - Level 2
Data analysis
Chairs: Aïda Meghraoui-Kheddar (Biot) & Samuel Granjeaud (Marseille)
Keren Leeat (Tel-Aviv, Israel): Unraveling the tumor immune microenvironment in melanoma by multiplexed imaging
Selected short oral presentations
- Manon Scholaert (Toulouse): MANTIS: an integrated digital process for 3-D deconstruction of human skin immune landscape
- Yvonne Scuiller (Brest): In-depth analysis of salivary gland biopsies: Development of new tools using Hyperion mass cytometry to accurately determine Sjögren’s severity status
- Quentin Blampey (Villejuif): Scyan: an interpretable generative model for multi-task cytometry analysis
- Julien Nourikyan (Lyon): Robust Identification of biomarkers through a clustering approach guided by patient outcomes: application in B-cell ALL, melanoma and rheumatoid arthritis
- Yann Abraham (Beerse, Belgium): Data-driven identification of cell states in cytometry experiments
Room Risso 6 - Level 2
Transplant immunology
Chairs: Alice Koenig (Lyon) & Julien Zuber (Bordeaux)
- Hannah Kaminski (Bordeaux): Amis : L’immunité innée dans les infections et les cancers des receveurs d’allogreffe
- Olivier Thaunat (Lyon): Ennemis : L’immunité innée dans l’alloreconnaissance et les lésions de rejet d’allogreffe
Selected short oral presentations
- Nassim Salem (Marseille): Combined CAR-NK and CARgd T cells promote the killing of leukemic blasts
- Lorenzo Canti (Liège, Belgium): Integrative Approach in the Context of BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in Allo-HCT Patients: System Vaccinology
Room Rhodes 9 - Level 2
Environmental control of myeloid cells
Chairs: Fabienne Anjuère (Valbonne) & Florent Ginhoux (Villejuif)
- Thomas Simon (Valbonne): Treatment of autoimmune diseases by neuromodulation
- Christopher Mueller (Strasbourg): Immune-microenvironment: cell specification in lymphoid organ niches
Selected short oral presentations
- Bastien Dolfi (Nice): Decipher the diversity and function of adrenal gland macrophages
- Maya Saleh (Bordeaux): Single cell and spatial transcriptomics unravel TREM1+CD163+ myeloid cells as potent immunosuppressive cells associated with poor survival in human liver cancer
Room Gallieni 5 - Level 2
AFC / CytHem: T- and NK- cell lymphoma
Chairs: Mikael Roussel (Rennes) & Alessandra Rosenthal (Nice)
- Mikael Roussel (Rennes): Diagnostic de LGL : vers une approche intégrée
- Laurence De Leval (Lausanne, Switzerland): Classification of T-cell lymphomas
- Hélène Moins (Paris): Diagnostic et suivi par cytométrie du S. de Sezary - Groupe Cythem Sezary
Selected short oral presentation
- Rémi Letestu (Bobigny): Étude de l’expression de TRBC1 par CMF comme marqueur de substitution de la clonalité lymphoïde T : une évaluation monocentrique de l’anticorps JOVI-1
Rhodes - Level 2 Lunch
Coffee - Visit of exhibition - Posters
Journée de la Fédération d’Immunologie Médicale
Room Rhodes 9 - Level 2

Immuno-Oncologie : La révolution continue
Modérateurs : François Lemoine (Paris) & Lisa Derosa (Paris)
Marie-Caroline Dieu-Nosjean (Paris) : Tumor-associated Tertiary lymphoid structures, a major ‘headquarters’ for the development of efficient immune responses against cancers
- Lisa Derosa (Paris) : Impact du microbiote sur les biothérapies et les réponses anti-tumorales
François-Xavier Danlos (Paris) : Mécanismes de résistance aux immunothérapies par anticorps monoclonaux anti-PD1
- Eric Tartour (Paris) : Therapeutic cancer vaccine
- Makoto Miyara (Paris) : CAR T cells : avancées et enjeux en Oncologie
- Michael Loschi (Nice) : CAR T cells et hémopathies malignes
- Table ronde
Parallel Sessions
Auditorium Athéna - Level 2
High content cytometry
Chairs: Anne-Sophie Chrétien (Marseille) & Catherine Blanc (Paris)
- Henrik Mei (Berlin, Germany): Probing the Immune System by Mass(ive) Cytometry
- Emeric Limagne (Dijon): Spectral flow cytometry: a tool for characterizing the tumor microenvironment in preclinical models
Selected short oral presentations
- Olivier Molendi-Coste (Lille): A CyTOF atlas of human cardiac immunity
- Tom Dott (Paris): High-dimensional spectral cytometry panels for whole blood immune phenotyping in the Milieu Interieur 10-year longitudinal study
Room Gallieni 5 - Level 2
Chairs: Tsvee Lapidot (Rehovot, Israel) & Noushin Mossadegh-Keller (Marseille)
- Tsvee Lapidot (Tel-Aviv, Israel): Circadian regulation of hematopoietic stem cells and host immunity by light and darkness cues
- Elisa Gomez-Perdiguero (Paris): Progenitor waves interplay during development to build the immune system
- Karl Balabanian (Paris): CXCR4 signaling, a gatekeeper orchestrating the bone marrow ecosystem
Room Risso 6 - Level 2
Chairs: Sophie Brouard (Nantes) & David Moulin (Nancy)
- Valérie Gaboriau-Routhiau (Paris): The Segmented Filamentous Bacterium: a paradoxical bacterium
- Mario Zaiss (Erlangen, Germany): Gut microbiota-derived metabolites in the regulation of inflammatory diseases
Selected short oral presentations
- Léo Bertrand (Paris): Microbiota in type 1 diabetes induces circulatory and intestinal MAIT cell dysfunction and increases liver and pancreas pro-inflammatory immune landscapes
- Patrícia Brito Rodrigues (Campinas, Brazil): SARS-CoV-2 gamma variant induces microbiota changes and impairs intestinal epithelium tight junctions in mice
- Rémy Villette (Paris): Secretory IgA and gut microbiota at birth influence allergic clinical outcome
Rhodes - Level 2
Poster Session 2 - even-numbered posters
Rhodes - Level 2 Coffee break - Visit of exhibition
Poster Prize audition
Plenary Sessions
Auditorium Athéna - Level 2Industry Symposium
Chairs: Muriel Andrieu (Paris) & Lennart Mars (Lille)
Cytek Biosciences
Application of high-dimensional spectral cytometry to the evaluation of drug responses in AML patient samples
Laure Delestré (Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif)
Auditorium Athéna - Level 2Young scientists
Chairs: Noushin Mossadegh-Keller (Marseille), Mathieu Chevalier (Paris), Laetitia Gautreau-Rolland (Nantes), Fatima-Ezzahra L’Faqihi-Olive (Toulouse),
Catherine Blanc (Paris) & Anne-Sophie Chrétien (Marseille)
- Noushin Mossadegh-Keller, Vice-President of the SFI: Introduction
Selected short oral presentations
- Julie Noguerol (Toulouse): H3K9me3-dependent epigenetic pathways control CD4 T cell responses to Treg-mediated suppression
- François Santinon (Montreal, Canada): Identification of p-eIF4E as a new regulator of regulatory T-cell activity
- Aurora Pignata (Toulouse): Investigating the role of Tissue-resident memory T cells in chronic CNS autoimmune disease
- Morgane Gossez-Coulaud (Lyon): Regulatory plasma cells are induced after bacterial and SARS-CoV-2 sepsis and inhibit T cell function through increased PD-L1 expression
+ Best PhD article Award