Tuesday 13 September
Registration and Welcome coffee
Musée du Louvre
Opening Session
Organizing Committee: ARACHNet Association
IPM strategy in cultural institutions
By Suzanne Ryder (Life Sciences, The Natural History Museum, London, U.K)
Opening Conference
La conservation préventive, l'IPM et les contaminants biologiques dans les institutions patrimoniales
Integrated pest management (IPM) for protection of cultural heritage - presentation of a new European standard
Jean-Claude Hesling (Chef de projet normalisation, AFNOR Normalisation)
Lisa Nilsen (Department for Conservation, Swedish National Heritage Board, Visby, Sweden)
EU biocide products regulations 528/2012 its History, present status and its effect on the heritage sector
Bob Child (Historyonics, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom)
Definition: A time to reshape and tone The National Trust for Scotland’s IPM programme?
Mel Houston (Collections Conservation Services, National Trust for Scotland, Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Retour d’expériences, l’IPM dans les services d’archives français - Le rôle de l’État
Marie-Dominique Parchas (Conservation, Service interministériel des Archives de France, Paris, France)
Lunch, posters and sponsors session
IPM strategy in cultural institutions, restoration and construction projects
By Pascal Querner (Institute of Zoology, BOKU University, Vienna, Austria)
Muséophagies… jusqu’où peut-on lutter ?
Jacques Cuisin, Christophe Gottini et Anne Préviato (Direction des Collections, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, France)
Retour sur 10 ans de pratique : l'IPM au musée du quai Branly (2006-2016)
Fabrice Sauvagnargues (Service de la conservation préventive, Département du Patrimoine et des Collections, Musée du quai Branly, Paris, France)
Insect pest management in the private country house
Amber Xavier-Rowe (Collections Conservation, English Heritage, Luton, United Kingdom)
IPM, projets de conservation au Mobilier national à court, moyen et long terme
Sandra Isakovitch (Département des collections, Mobilier national, Paris, France)
Coffee break, posters and sponsors session
No entry for moths and their friends How IPM accompanied the move
Viktoria Wagesreiter (Conservation, Wien Museum, Vienna, Austria)
Insect pest preventive measure included in gallery displays at the V&A
Valerie Blyth (Conservation and collections management, Victoria and Albert museum, London, United Kingdom)
David Pinniger (Consultant entomologist, Cookham, Berkshire, United Kingdom)
Museon Arlaten : un projet de rénovation - conséquences pour l’IPM
Michaela Berner (Biologiste consultante, Paris, France)
Ghislaine Vallée (Attachée de conservation responsable collections, Museon Arlaten musée départemental d'ethnographie, Arles, France)
Mise en place d’une politique globale d’IPM au musée du Louvre
Christophe Gautelier et Jean-Claude N'Dzana-Ekani (Musée du Louvre, Service Maintenance et Architecture, Direction du Patrimoine Architectural et des Jardins, Paris, France)
Joëlle Le Roux et Grazia Nicosia (Musée du Louvre, Service de la conservation préventive, Direction de la recherche et des collections, Paris, France)
Conclusion of the day
Welcome reception
Hôtel de Sully, Centre des monuments nationaux