Relive Monday 2 May 2022 - Amphitheatre Antipolis
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Plenary Sessions
Opening Ceremony
- Local Committee Chair (Dr. Pierre Abad),
- IFNS President (Dr. Larry Duncan)
- ESN President (Pr. Ralf-Udo Ehlers),
- Bayer (Sumeja Ouyeder),
- Université Côte d’Azur President (Pr. Jeanick Brissewalter)
Plenary 1
- Microgravity effect on entomopathogenic nematodes' ability to find and kill insects
Fatma Kaplan, David Shapiro-Ilan, Karl Cameron Schiller
Plenary 2
- Plant Root-knot Nematode Interaction: a sophisticated dialogue
Pierre Abad
Parallel Sessions
Oral session 1
Plant resistance and nematode virulence
Chairs: Aska Goverse and Sebastian Kiewnick
Oral session 5
Plant resistance and nematode virulence (continued)
Chairs: Peter DiGennaro and David Bird
Workshop 3
Advances and challenges in CRISPR-mediated technologies in parasitic and free-living nematodes
Chairs: Sebastian Eves-van den Akker and Ralf J. Sommer