DSI 2024

20-21 November 2024 - Novotel Barcelona Cornella, Barcelona, Spain

Bandeau - DSI 2024

Note: There is no possibility to register a group of participants

Individual {{titleCase(type())}} - Online registration

path : {{path}}
istarifpref: {{istarifpref}}
type: {{type}}
siteUrl: https://www.alphavisa.com/dsi/2024/
codeCongres: 594
fincongres: 1732212000
Contact details for correspondence
(e.g. Marie)
(e.g. Curie)

(will not appear in the list of participants)

Registration to the meeting
ui.jeSuis={{ui.jeSuis}} - ui.paiement={{ui.paiement}}
codeDroits={{codeDroits()}} - montantDroits={{montantDroits()}}

Registration fees include:

  • Access to the meeting,
  • meeting documents,
  • entrance to the exhibition area,
  • Beverage breaks and lunches,
  • Social event on 20 November (early evening),
  • VAT 10%.

{{titleCase(type())}} registration include:

  • Access to the meeting,
  • meeting documents,
  • entrance to the exhibition area,
  • beverage breaks and lunches,
  • social event on 20 November (early evening).

I hereby give permission for my abstract and presentation document to be published on the meeting website, accessible only to meeting participants.* :

Accommodation at Novotel Barcelona Cornella

Speakers are invited but will have to pay for their own accommodation.

The indicated prices (per room, per night) include breakfast, hotel service charges and government taxes.

montantHotelSingle : {{montantHotelSingle}}
montantHotelDouble: {{montantHotelDouble}}
montantNuitHotel: {{montantNuitHotel()}}
codeHotel: {{codeHotel()}}
ui.nuits: {{ui.nuits}}
montantHotel: {{montantHotel()}}

Amount to be paid: {{montantTotal() && (montantTotal() | amount) || '-----'}}

When making your bank transfer, please indicate the reference: "{{congresNom}} {{data.prenom}} {{data.nom}}".

IBAN code: FR76 1350 6100 0062 1508 6300 032 - BIC code: AGRIFRPP835

Please indicate the reference: "{{congresNom}} {{data.prenom}} {{data.nom}}" on the purchase order
and send it:

  • by email to {{congresEmail}},
  • or by regular mail to:
    Alpha Visa Congrès / {{congresNom}}
    624 rue des Grèzes
    34070 Montpellier

Invoice address

* Required fields

You have a right of access and rectification to your personal data by contacting: Alpha Visa Congrès / {{congresNom}} - 624 rue des Grèzes, 34070 Montpellier - France - {{congresEmail}}

Thank you for registering.

Your reservation number: {{id}}.

An automatic confirmation has been sent by email.

Best regards

An error has occurred! Your form could not be sent.

Start over

Registration closed.