29 septembre au 1er octobre 2025 - CCI Campus - Strasbourg, France

Bandeau - ATC-ACLF 2025

Data protection and privacy policy

1 - Who we are

Alpha Visa Congrès
624 rue des Grèzes
34070 Montpellier – France

Hosting service provider

The website is hosted by:

Amazon Web Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 81226
Seattle, WA 98108-1226
The AWS (Amazon Web Services) servers used are located in France. The servers are managed in accordance with standard practice and benefit from the safety measures specific to the Amazon infrastructure.

2 - Information we collect about you

We collect information about you for a variety of reasons. We need to know your contact details so that we can contact you, and we need to verify your identity if you are attending the conference.

The types of data collected can be grouped into two categories: non-technical data and technical data:


Before providing us with information about another person, you must obtain their consent. You must also show them our data privacy notice and ensure that they understand that their personal information will be shared with us for the purposes described in our data protection and privacy notice.

Sensitive data / Special categories of data: we do not collect sensitive information about you, as defined by the GDPR. Information for which you have given us your consent.

This may include:

We may collect and use your information even if you are not one of our customers, in which case we will apply the principles described in our data protection and privacy notice when processing your information.

3 - Origin of information collection

As you use our services, ask questions and interact with us, we collect information about you. In addition, we may collect information about you from other people and parties, for example when you browse our website.

We also collect information about you from publicly available sources, such as professional or academic directories, online forums, websites, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or other social networks.

4 - Purpose of processing personal data

We use your information to confirm your identity, facilitate the processing of your account and enhance your experience with us. We will always treat your information with care and in accordance with the principles set out in our data protection and privacy notice.

In the course of carrying out its duties as a software publisher, Alpha Visa Congrès processes and collects Personal Data from Organizers for the following purposes:

When concluding a Contract or fulfilling contractual obligations, Alpha Visa Congrès processes personal data of its Customers for the following purposes:

5 - Retention period for personal data and cookies

The length of time Personal Data is retained depends on the Processing carried out and the Contract.

Cookies are kept for 13 months from the date they are deposited on your terminal, i.e. from the last time you use the website or mobile application.
After this period, data is either deleted or stored anonymized, notably for statistical purposes. Data may be kept for pre-litigation and litigation purposes.
You can delete cookies stored on your computer via your browser settings.
Customers and prospects are reminded that the deletion or anonymization of data is an irreversible operation and cannot be restored at a later date.

6 - Your right to information

In accordance with your rights under European data protection legislation, you have the right to access the information we hold about you, as well as the purposes for which it is used and any disclosures to third parties.

We aim to respond to access requests within one month. However, we reserve the right to verify your identity and, in the case of complex requests, may need up to two months to respond. In some cases, an administrative fee may be charged for excessive or manifestly unreasonable requests.

We may also ask you for additional information to locate the data you are seeking. Please note that there are legal exemptions to your right of access under European data protection legislation.

Under European data protection legislation, you have the following rights, which you can exercise by sending us a written request:

Please note that, in order to be fully compliant, these requests may be forwarded to third parties involved in processing your personal data on our behalf.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at the address below.

If you submit a request and are not satisfied with our response, or if you believe that we are processing your personal data unlawfully, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

Under certain conditions, you may also request the blocking or deletion of your personal data held by Alpha Visa Congrès, unless we have legitimate grounds to retain it from a legal point of view.

If you have any questions or concerns about our data processing, please contact our Data Protection Officer at the following e-mail address: