List of e-posters - S7-S8-S9
Session 7 - Roasted coffee Technology & Processing
The Exploration of Coffee Roasting Profiles with Estimation of Chlorogenic Acid and Caffeine in Roasted Coffee Beans
CHUNG Hsiao-Yen (National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung City, Taiwan)Optimal Control of Coffee Roasting Processes with Model Predictive Control
PIERL Dennis (University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany)Impact on Sensory Quality and Physicochemical Changes in Coffee during Re-roasting
SUZUKI Taroh (University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki-ken, Japan)
Session 8 - Coffee Chemistry & Sensory sciences
Coffee Cuality 2.0 – New cupping, drip brew, cold brew and espresso evaluation designs, protocols and analyses
GUINARD Jean-Xavier (University of California, Davis, California, USA)Biovolatile fingerprinting of honey/pulped natural coffee with Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation
K. N. Aswathi (CSIR-Central Food Technological Research (CFTRI), Mysuru, Karnataka, India)Cup quality profiles of kenyan coffee processed by innovative methods
KATHURIMA Cecilia (Kalro, Ruiru, Kiambu, Kenya)The combined effects of shade and altitude on the quality of coffee beans grown at Gorongosa Mountain, Mozambique
LEITÃO António (Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Oeiras, Lisboa, Portugal)Validation of a New Coffee Cold Brew Method through Combined Central Location Tests and a Modified Conjoint Analysis and Focus Groups with Cold Brew Consumers and Brewers
LIM Lik Xian (University of California, Davis, California, USA)Assessment of roasted coffee adulteration with coffee husks by gas chromatography and electronic tongue
PETRONILHO Sílvia (University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal)Food Authenticity - HPLC determination of 16-O-methylcafestol of instant coffees
SPEER Karl (TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany)Food Authenticity - Determination of 16-O-methylcafestol content of green and roasted coffee — HPLC-method ; Method Validation Study of CEN/TC-460 WG 3
SPEER Karl (TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany)Impact of superheated steam roasting process on the in-cup quality of espresso coffee brews
SEVERINI Carla (University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy)Genotype by environment interaction and stability of Ethiopian coffee (Coffea arabica L.) genotypes collected from Wollega Coffee growing areas for quality attributes
WELDEMICHAEL Getachew (Ethipian Institute of Agricultural Research, Jimma, Oromiya, Ethiopia)
Session 9 - Consumption-Health & Safety