COVID-19 related info with respect to the 4th TEAM meeting 2020
Dear Colleagues,
The Fourth International Symposium of TEAM (Tephritid Workers of Europe, Africa and the Middle East) took place in La Grande Motte, France from 5 to 9 October 2020. TEAM is a regional network of researchers dealing with different aspects of tephritid fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) work. The meeting was organized by researchers of the French institutions ANSES, CIRAD, INRA, the French Ministry of Agriculture and the Royal Museum for Central Africa (Belgium), and chaired by Mrs Valérie Balmès (ANSES). These symposia are organized every four years. Because of the worldwide COVID_19 pandemic, the program needed to be changed dramatically. These meetings usually constitute of oral presentations, poster displays, parallel or back-to-back side meetings of satellite groups combined with technical tours and excursions. Rising positive cases of COVID_19 and travel and meeting restrictions by various governments, however, made it largely impossible for tephritid workers from outside France to physically attend. Therefore, the local organizing committee together with the TEAM steering committee decided to organize this event as a combined physical and virtual gathering. Thanks through sponsorship obtained by the local organizers, the virtual participation could be offered for free. As a result 511 persons from more than70 countries registered for the webinar, including several delegates from other regional fruit fly networks such as TWWH (Tephritid Workers of the Western Hemisphere) and TAAO (Tephritid Workers of Asia, Australia and Oceania). Although not all registered persons connected, at least 365 delegates actually followed partially or entirely the meeting throughout the week.
The programme of the symposium consisted of plenary speakers, and talks grouped in nine different sessions, over a period of five days, covering all major research aspects. In total, 36 presentations (including two plenary talks) were given throughout the week. Despite the novel approach and the technical difficulties in getting connected with some participants in developing countries, all talks could be presented (either live or as pre-recorded films). Posters were submitted in advance and a link distributed to all registered participants prior to the meeting. Forty-four posters were on display and the authors could shortly summarize their findings and reply to questions by the delegates during two poster sessions. This meeting also, for the first time, included explicitly contributions of researchers focusing on the wing-spotted fruit fly Drosophila suzukii (Drosophilidae), rather than exclusively topics on tephritid fruit flies. Furthermore, a round table discussion was organized on the theme “New concepts and approaches in fruit fly management in Europe” which was preceded by short introductory speeches.
Despite the difficult circumstances this fourth TEAM meeting was considered a great success both by the organizers and the participants. Although physical meetings do have a number of advantages and facilitate interactions and networking, having the option of a virtual attendance and presentation increases the number of people who can partake in the meeting. Members of the local organizing committee and the TEAM steering committee will edit the proceedings of the symposium, which will be published in a separate open access e-issue of the peer review journal Fruits. All relevant information will be made available through the Symposium’s website.
With best regards, on behalf of the Local Organising Committee
Valérie Balmès
Organising Committee, TEAM 2020
Marc De Meyer
Scientific Committee, TEAM 2020
Organising Committee
ANSES-LSV “Entomology and invasive plants unit”:
• Valérie Balmès, Chairperson
• Raphaëlle Mouttet
CIRAD Réunion - UMR “Peuplements Végétaux et Bio-agresseurs en Milieu Tropical”:
• Hélène Delatte
CIRAD UMR CBGP département BIOS:
• Bruno Michel
INRA-CBGP - Fruit-Fly Evolution and Community Ecology (FFECE):
• Simon Fellous
French Ministry of Agriculture, National expert for tropical crops - invasive alien species:
• Pierre Ehret
Royal Museum for Central Africa, Belgium:
• Marc De Meyer
Scientific Committee
• Marc De Meyer, Belgium
• Zinette Moussa, Lebanon
• Helene Delatte, France
• Yoav Gazit, Isreal
• Aruna Manrakhan, South Africa
• Maulid Mwatawala, Tanzania
• Antonis Augustinos, Greece
• Vicente Navarro Llopis, Spain
• Francesca Scolari, Italy
• Antonio Sinzogan, Benin
Planning at a glance
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Announcement poster
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