Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
We are pleased to announce the 19th annual congress of the Société Française de Microbiologie (SFM) to be held from 7th to 9th October 2024 at the Lille Grand Palais.
This event will gather around 620 participants (42 partners were present in Rennes in 2023).
The organising committee has the pleasure to invite you to participate :
By choosing the "Symposium Package", that includes a 45 minutes conference during a plenary session, a 12m2 booth, a promotional insert in delegate bags and 4 free congress registrations.
By taking part at the commercial exhibition, please note the possibility to choose your booth now!
This year, you can also speak during a plenary session entitled "Give voice to the industrials". This session will allow you to promote your new products and innovations in front of all the delegates.
By contacting us for other forms of sponsorship.
We invite you to download the following exhibition and sponsorship documents:
Important: The logo will appear on the 'sponsors and exhibitors'
page of the website and on all the promotional material produced for
the event. Please make sure to send us the high definition logo at
Please refer to the website below for regular updates on the congress and the detailed program:
We look forward to welcoming you in Lille and remain at your disposal for any other information.
Kind regards,
Alpha Visa Congrès / SFM 2024
Tel. +33 4 67 03 03 00
Email :