Plenary speakers
Thursday 5 May

Manuel Mota
Manuel Mota completed a PhD in Plant Pathology at Virginia Tech in 1992 and has since worked with Globodera and Bursaphelenchus plant parasitic nematodes. In 1998, he established the Nematology Lab (NemaLab) at the University of Évora (Portugal). A major scientific achievement in 1999 was his detection, first in the EU, of the pinewood nematode, B. xylophilus. He has subsequently pursued a steady line of research on the physiology and the processes involved in plant disease induced by this nematode. He has contributed to the pest risk analysis for the territories of the European Union on B. xylophilus and its vectors. His recent interests include entomopathogenic nematodes, root lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.) and longidorid virus-vector nematodes.