DSI 2024

20-21 November 2024 - Novotel Barcelona Cornella, Barcelona, Spain

Bandeau - DSI 2024

Note: There is no possibility to register a group of participants

Individual {{titleCase(type())}} - Online registration

path : {{path}}
istarifpref: {{istarifpref}}
type: {{type}}
siteUrl: https://www.alphavisa.com/dsi/2024/
codeCongres: 594
fincongres: 1732212000
Contact details for correspondence
(e.g. Marie)
(e.g. Curie)

(will not appear in the list of participants)

Registration to the meeting
ui.jeSuis={{ui.jeSuis}} - ui.paiement={{ui.paiement}}
codeDroits={{codeDroits()}} - montantDroits={{montantDroits()}}

Registration fees include:

  • Access to the meeting,
  • meeting documents,
  • entrance to the exhibition area,
  • Beverage breaks and lunches,
  • Social event on 20 November (early evening),
  • VAT 10%.

{{titleCase(type())}} registration include:

  • Access to the meeting,
  • meeting documents,
  • entrance to the exhibition area,
  • beverage breaks and lunches,
  • social event on 20 November (early evening).

I hereby give permission for my abstract and presentation document to be published on the meeting website, accessible only to meeting participants.* :

Accommodation at Novotel Barcelona Cornella

Speakers are invited but will have to pay for their own accommodation.

The Novotel Barcelona Cornella is fully booked.

montantHotelSingle : {{montantHotelSingle}}
montantHotelDouble: {{montantHotelDouble}}
montantNuitHotel: {{montantNuitHotel()}}
codeHotel: {{codeHotel()}}
ui.nuits: {{ui.nuits}}
montantHotel: {{montantHotel()}}

Amount to be paid: {{montantTotal() && (montantTotal() | amount) || '-----'}}

When making your bank transfer, please indicate the reference: "{{congresNom}} {{data.prenom}} {{data.nom}}".

IBAN code: FR76 1350 6100 0062 1508 6300 032 - BIC code: AGRIFRPP835

Please indicate the reference: "{{congresNom}} {{data.prenom}} {{data.nom}}" on the purchase order
and send it:

  • by email to {{congresEmail}},
  • or by regular mail to:
    Alpha Visa Congrès / {{congresNom}}
    624 rue des Grèzes
    34070 Montpellier

Invoice address

* Required fields

You have a right of access and rectification to your personal data by contacting: Alpha Visa Congrès / {{congresNom}} - 624 rue des Grèzes, 34070 Montpellier - France - {{congresEmail}}

Thank you for registering.

Your reservation number: {{id}}.

An automatic confirmation has been sent by email.

Best regards

An error has occurred! Your form could not be sent.

Start over

Registration closed.