Instructions for abstract submission
The oral presentations will be selected by the local organizers and the EBCnet advisory board.
Deadline for abstract submission: June 1st 2021
Notification of acceptance for oral presentation: June 15th 2021
Abstracts should be sent directly to Thierry Defrance.
General instructions
- The meeting official languages is English. Please submit your abstract accordingly.
- Abstracts should include the following separated parts: introduction, objective, methods, results and conclusion.
Typing instructions:
- 1,250 characters maximum, including spaces;
- no figures or tables;
- title: font-family: Calibri; font-size: 12pt;
- body: font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt;
- keywords: 3 maximum;
- references: 3 maximum; Format: Author, Year, Journal, Page.
- Abstracts selected for an oral presentation will be presented during 15 minutes with an additional 5 min for discussion.
- Practical information will be e-mailed to you upon acceptance of your abstract.
- For any additional information, please contact Thierry Defrance.
Abstract template
With few exceptions the presenting author must be the first author.